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Andrew Altshuler

Hey, I'm Andrew from Tel Aviv 🇮🇱

I'm a researcher turned consultant & educator.

I help people & businesses to transform the chaos of information into an efficient, AI-optimized knowledge system.

In my NEWSLETTER I decode systems & strategies for better thinking, learning & decision-making.

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TfT #14 / TEN Strategies to to level UP your Tana PKM game

Tana is the most powerful knowledge management tool available today. Add human-grade AI to the mix, and you have your own knowledge powerhouse. What Tana can do is mindblowing! Yet to harness this power, you need to act smart. I'll help you with that. Use these 10 strategies

TfT #14 / TEN Strategies to to level UP your Tana PKM game

TfT #13 / The Power of Structures in Tana

In this article we'll explore one of the most important elements of Tana: the custom structures. Let's go! Why structures are important? Key dialectics in knowledge work (and probably in the Universe): Entropy vs Information If we try to simplify these concepts: * Information defines order * Entropy

TfT #13 / The Power of Structures in Tana

TfT #12 / How to build AI-powered knowledge system in Tana

In this article, I will show you how I built a system for exploring and improving my health in Tana with heavy AI usage. I have been experimenting with it for quite some time. But only with access to GPT-4 API (I got it only a few weeks ago), I

TfT #12 / How to build AI-powered knowledge system in Tana